Tuesday, May 8, 2012

You dont know, but I know

wow weee jee wilikers it is already May. Today was my last day of school for this semester. I have to go tomorrow with Eric to register for the fall. Only 3 more classes before I can add a journalism option on my fancy piece of paper. So what else is new? I still have no car, I am still working at Zara, and I am still together with my girlfriend. It has been 5 months since that glorious day and it just keeps getting better and better. The giant plus is that all my friends get along with her as well. She still has to meet some of my other friends but shes friendly enough to fuse into the group lol. I saw the Avengers Saturday with Marina and it was amazing. I am in fact going to go see it again tomorrow night with a large group of my favorite people so I am pretty stoked about that. This will be the only thing that will get me through work today. That and some RE:ORC with Eric hopefully later tonight. I am not feeling too well but it is an on and off thing. All the oranges I have been eating should be taking care of that. Max Payne 3 is coming out soon, and I still have to purchase a Mother's Day gift. It is hard to shop for someone so picky all the time. Well that is it for me. I have to start getting ready for work ugh. Hopefully the day flies by. Till next time I guess.

Friday, December 23, 2011

I was just a stupid kid back then

Been a while right. I am not even sure anybody reads this any more but whatever. I am slightly buzzed and I feel like writing. So lets see what have I been up to. Well I have actually gotten off my ass and registered for school I am going for my Journalism degree which will apparently require me to take 4 classes. Should be fun especially because Eric is going to my classmate through all the classes. I still have no car but Jessie is helping me out with that one. Christmas totally wiped me out but these next few checks should boost me back to my saving ways. Hanging out with my buddies is always fun. So is random work visits (Jenn and Eric). Only bad part is the large amount of work that needed to be done at the time of the visit. I also have this amazing girlfriend. Yes shocking right. Marina is her name and the way she makes me feel I dont have words to describe it. All I can say is that she feels the same way. Wednesday marked a month that we were together. It feels like way longer to both me and her. That about covers all the new stuff that has happened with me. Christmas is right around the corner and just like every year I expect nothing. The look on the people's faces when they open their gifts will bring me the happiness. To anybody that did not give a gift dont worry. Just wait for new years. I will have your gift by then. I already got some gifts. My co worker gifted Portal 2 to me on Steam. It is awesome. I also have to give a big shout out to Jessie for taking me back and forth to Micro Center. Without him my computer wouldnt be able to run it, let alone work. My uncle also sent me something I thought I would never wear. Yes he sent me a.....Snuggie. The infomercial doesnt lie. They do keep you warm lol. I have no idea what else I am going to get but I am not too worried about it. Tomorrow will be awesome and spending time with my family on Christmas day will be even more awesome. Anywayz to anybody who reads this Merry Christmas....to those that read this after the 25th. I probably sent you a text saying the same thing. Laterz

End of Message

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Dear Santa

I am writing this letter to you not only because Jessie has a gun to my head and to request presents, but to say thank you fat man. As always I never ask for anything for Christmas. I dont mind not getting anything, because I like giving way better. There isnt much I want this year anyway. I already have the things I want. Good friends, Awesome girlfriend, fully decked out computer, my health, ect.So first of all thanks for all these early presents. Now to get to the reason everybody else writes these to you. I have complied a list of things that would be cool to recieve for this ho ho holy shit day.

1. Money for car. (Jessie is helping me shop around for one)
2. Awesome black hoodie (With or without graphic.....as long as its warm)
3. Red and black plaid shirt. ( I dont have one lol)
4. Ripped copy of Windows 7 os (Jessie is also helping with this hahaha)
5. Uncharted 1
6. Uncharted 2 (If part 1 is purchased)
7. The x 23 comics I am missing before it got canceled (I need 15 16 and 17)
8. Xbox 360 hard drive. (my 20 gb is almost full so next size up would be cool)
9. Some awesome headphones. (been meaning to get some but keep forgetting)
10. Whatever you think I would like.
11. Books lol.

Remember guys and gals I am not picky so feel free to stray away from the list. Doesnt bother me. The fact that you cared enough to think of getting me something is enough for me. Laterz

Saturday, September 3, 2011

You see it too? For me, it's always like this.

Hail from the town of floods and other misfortune or Little Falls for short. That stupid hurricane had me kind of trapped in this town so much so that I actually had a dream on what was wrong with my computer and how to fix it. It was weird but it's how I am typing this post you are reading. Throughout the week I did nothing but clean and try to calm my mom's nerves. She was so bummed at the stuff we had to throw away that it made me feel crummy, so I hung out with her. I joked around, we talked about everything going on, and even watched a few movies together. Who else can say they watched Garden State with their parent and have them say they enjoyed it. Things are back to normal now. My mom took off to South Carolina to pick up my little bro and my grand mother. She is staying for 2 weeks. It is going to be good to see her and hear all her silly stories (mostly involving the faults of other family members). Work has been going smoothly. With all the cursing and yelling I should have my promotion sometime after Tuesday. I also applied to some yogurt place that is soon to open up, so if all else fails I will become the king of yogurt. Yay? I am sure to get hired because the person opening it up is my mom's friend who thinks the world of me apparently. I've been kind of broke so I haven't been out much. Just been playing SF3 using Sean, who I am told is the worst character in the game, but my wins don't lie. I have this feeling something is coming. It kind of bothers me that I have that feeling because usually nothing comes of it, or the event is so small I don't notice it. This anxious feeling that I am going to learn or find something new has been making a home in my head. I need it to move out. I've got enough things to worry about.....sometimes.

End of Message

Friday, July 8, 2011

Words to memorize, words hypnotize. Words make my mouth exercise.

So I can check "be a designated driver" off my lists of things to do. Long story short my mom had a little too much fun at a bbq. I didn't get to see fireworks this year (the streak continues). I've been able to leave work earlier and earlier due to the small shipments. I really hope this doesnt continue because something tells me I am going to look at my next check and say the most popular word that starts with F. In other news a piece of my bass broke. Nothing too serious but now my E string sounds like a dead cat on a bed spring. Must get repaired!!!. I took my first trip to Hoboken yesterday for the clubbing experience that everybody and their mothers talk about. Hoboken looks like a great place to skate, but I don't know. The place we went was pretty chill, it was just that nobody was doing anything club worthy. At the Loop Lounge there is a designated dance floor to make a fool out of yourself....there was none at this place. I also figured out I am not that interesting lol. Big shocker I know. As soon as I said the words Associate Degree and Writing I lost them. Oh well. They will be jellous when my book becomes a best seller and they will line up to get my autograph and be like "We loved your book" and I'll be like" Who the hell are you?".....yeah just like in my dreams. I am really stoked to go see The Static Jacks on Wednesday. The opening band Mona looks ok but to quote Jenn "I might be at the bar for this one." Speaking of Jenn I got to hang out with her and her boyfriend Eric as we searched high and low (two different places) for a new dresser for her room. What originally went from a simple drop off of Alice: The Madness Returns turned into Adventure Time. Ended up going to Planet Wings as well. I was kind of mad I ate before hand then I remembered how delicious that roast beef sandwich was. Eric is pretty cool. We got along quickly and he showed me some additions to the buggy game which will be enforced once I explain it to everybody else bwahahahahaha. I would also like the time to thank Jenn for ruining infomercials for me forever. The dubbed versions will always be better. Don't take my word for it. Just check this out.....and on that I say.....later.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

ring ring.....voicemail

It's been a lackluster couple of days for me. I finally picked up my empty notebook and started writing in it. Just random thoughts but ehh its something to get me back into the mood to write. Partially why I have the motivation to write a new post. Yesterday I got to catch the first half of the soccer game. It was pretty intense, and considering I dont watch soccer much it's saying a lot. I couldnt catch the whole game because I went to the Loop Lounge with Joe and James. Both Erics joined us later on. It was a True Blood themed event, which was pretty cool even for someone who doesnt follow the series (that changed today). After a few drinks and some always fun dancing I decided that as much as I love my usual dancing partners, it was time for a change. I asked James and Eric to accompany me to ask a pair of ladies to dance. Now I can't dance....I know this, but due to the liquid courage in my body I felt like it couldnt hurt to try. Eric denied me and so did James, but one of them (or just my imagination ) told me to go. So I did and I danced for the rest of the night with her. Her = Tracy. She was dressed as one of the characters from True Blood which was pretty cool. We talked while we danced and found out about each other. She was impressed that I knew the lyrics to most of the songs playing and I was shocked when she told me she was 30. It was all cool between the both of us. So much so that I worked up the courage to ask for her number, which she gave me with a smile. I made sure it was really her's by making her text me. Ive been duped before wasnt going to let it happen again. As we danced we got closer and closer till the music stopped and the lights came on. I said good night to her and walked with her out feeling pretty good about myself. I even got a kiss on the cheek for my efforts which I wasnt complaining about. I was still stunned that I had been able to keep up dancing with her. I ended up getting home at 4 in the morning. I didnt do much today exept add a few friends from grade school on facebook. It was super cool to see what they looked like considering I havent seen them since 4th grade. Remembering that I had a new number on my phone I decided to send her a text. No response. About an hour later I called. The title of this post says it all. Day one of house to myself was suckish.....6 more days to go.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated

Ok so it's been a while but let me get this out before Stacy( my computer) chooses to die on me. A lot has happened since the last time I was here. I got drunk with a few friends at the Loop Lounge in Passaic which was pretty cool. The next day it turns out I was screaming lyrics in a girls face while dancing with her. Ooopse oh well at least she danced with me for 2 songs. Beer goggles are not cool, but enough about that.  I  got kicked out of a concert for the first time. Me and a large group of people went to see She Wants Revenge in NYC, and a pretty girl was there. To which I realize that pretty girls make my idiot switch turn on. Long story short I gave her a sip of my drink and she was under age. Did end up meeting Justin from She Wants Revenge, getting buzzed,  and getting her number so it wasn't all that bad. Karma has a huge part in my not seeing them due to a joke I made about a woman walking down the street holding a bottle of water and walking with a limp. Then Karma figured out it was too harsh and let the previous things happen to me. Me and these few friends have a show coming up July 13th. I am pretty stoked to see The Static Jacks. Recently Jessie, Jenn, and I went to Fridays to grab some dinner. The meal was made even more epic due to the Guinness Stout milkshake. Just when I thought the milkshake was perfect....BLAOW they blow my mind. Jenn also invited me to see Streetlight Manifesto on my birthday. Really excited for that as well. After months of speculation I am going to get evaluated for the stock room supervisor position.....yay? All that means is less of a life with higher pay. Woo Hoo. Fingers crossed that I get it. I was able to pick up Alice: Madness Returns for the 360. I am personally loving every minute of it and do not understand why everybody is giving it a 7 out of 10. An 8 would be cool. Finally today I was able to hang out with James and Evan. We went to Mitsuwa or however it is spelled and had some delicious food. Also like every new comer I make them read the descriptions on the candy. They are so ridiculous you need to see them to believe them. Now I am home and I have Alice loading up as we speak. Sorry that this post is all error filled but I don't know when this computer is going to choose to give up. Anyway that's all for now. If I missed something.......oh well be there next time. Laterz